CUMI‘s range of nut inserted wheels are the best in the abrasive industry. It caters to a wide spectrum of user industry Bearing, Automotive, Auto ancillary, etc. The specifically designed CUMI wheels in bond systems B14F, BI020, B99, SPL have an uniqueness of higher feed rates, closer tolerances on the components.

BondGrainGritHardnessWheel Configuration
BRT, B14F, BCC, BI020, B99, TD1020, TD924, SPLA, AA, DA, SA, C, CGC, SG14 – 400G – 0Plain, Slotted, Honeycomb
Connecting RodRoughing / Rotary tableAA46 TDR043AA46 TDR88 4E, 57A46 K5 BRT
Connecting RodFinishing / Rotary tableAA120 J7 BRT57A120 J7 BRT
Connecting RodJoint faceAA120 M6 TDR7813SG120 M6 TDR781
Connecting RodR and FAA60 J5 BRTAA60 H11 SPL
Piston RingsRoughingCGC46 / 60 TD1020MGC60 J+5 BI0CS
Piston RingsSemi finishingCGC80 TD1020CGC80 BI0 CS
Piston RingsFinishingGC120 TDR659GC/RA120 TDR845
Piston RingsLappingC150 J5 BRT 
Ball Bearing RingR and FAA80 M5 B14F5SA80 M5 B10 CS, 57A80 M5 B10 CS
Tapper Ball Bearing RingBig faceAA60 G7 BRT57A46 G7 BRT
Tapper Ball Bearing RingSmall faceAA60 L5 BRT, A80 K B119057A60 M5 BRT
Tapper RollerA320 P19 BCC 
Cylindrical RollerSoft stageA60 05 BRTAA60 L5 SPL
Cylindrical RollerHard stageAA80 K5 BRT5SA80 L5 B14F
SpringsRoughingA24 L7 TDR085AA20 L7 TDV8I9M, A24 N7 B266, 2SG24 N7 B266
SpringsFinishingA24 L7 TDR086AA24 K7 TDV820M, A3007 B266, 25G3007 B266
SpringsR and F – Single headDA24 TDR699A36 TDR933, A24 N7 B266
Engine Block – Passenger CarRoughing / Rotary tableC24 K5 BRTC24 L5 SPL
Engine Block – Passenger CarFinishing / Rotary tableC120 K5 BRTC80 L6 SPL
Engine Block – HCVR and FC14 TDR3I2 
Sintered Parts – Auto PartsR and FGC46 TDR056 
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