High Alumina Refractories

CUMILOX High Alumina refractories are produced from fused and sintered alumina for high purity range from 85 – 99.5% alumina. Calcined Bauxite, Chamotte, etc. are used for 85% alumina and below. High purity alumina, being a stable oxide, is inert to corrosive attack in oxidizing atmospheres and can also withstand highly reducing atmospheres. It can also withstand high temperature hydrogen attack and is indispensable in applications which encounter hydrogen attack. CUMILOX possesses all these inherent characteristics of alumina and more.

Outstanding Features

  • Very high refractoriness, slag and metal corrosion resistance
  • Very high stability in oxidising and reducing atmospheres at high temperatures
  • Very high abrasion resistance, chemical stability

User Industries

  • Fertiliser
  • Petro-Chemical
  • Carbon Black Reactor/ Thermal Oxidiser
  • Foundry
  • Iron & Steel


  • Secondary reformer and gas generator lining, Catalyst bed support
  • Sulphur Recovery Unit reactor lining
  • Reactor lining
  • Channel induction furnace lining
  • Ladle nozzles, Well blocks and sleeves, DRI reactor lining
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