CUMILOX High Alumina refractories are produced from fused and sintered alumina for high purity range from 85 – 99.5% alumina. Calcined Bauxite, Chamotte, etc. are used for 85% alumina and below. High purity alumina, being a stable oxide, is inert to corrosive attack in oxidizing atmospheres and can also withstand highly reducing atmospheres. It can also withstand high temperature hydrogen attack and is indispensable in applications which encounter hydrogen attack. CUMILOX possesses all these inherent characteristics of alumina and more.
Ferro Molybdenum FeMo (also referred as Ferro Moly) is an alloy of iron and Molybdenum.
Ferro Molybdenum is a hardening agent and is used in making alloy steels that are heat-treatable.
Ferro Molybdenum is used as an additive to the production process of steel and imparts several desirable properties. One of the primary benefits of adding Ferro Molybdenum to an alloy is its hardening properties that makes steel extremely strong and at the same time weldable, due to high melting point Molybdenum. Additionally, addition of Ferro Molybdenum to an alloy also increases corrosion resistance.
Main applications of Ferro Molybdenum including making Alloy Steels for machine tools and equipment, military hardware, refinery tubing, load bearing parts etc. Ferro Molybdenum is also used for Steel for making automobile (cars, trucks), locomotives and ships. In addition, Ferro Molybdenum is used in stainless and heat-resisting steels used by synthetic fuel and chemical plants, heat exchangers, power generators, oil-refining equipment, pumps, turbine tubing, ship propellers.
Reframat offer premium grade Ferro Molybdenum to its customers in various segments
Molybdenum (Mo ): 60-65%
Silicon : 2% (max)
Carbon (C) : 0.1% (max)
Phosphorus (P) : 0.06% (max)
Sulphur (S) : 0.08% (max)
Aluminium (Al) : 0.5% (max)
Copper (Cu) : 0.50% (max)